I tried to give the best answer, then when i read them again, well maybe they could be better, so here goes...
Attached or Single? Attached
Oct. 15, 1972, Mesa AZ
B. Best Friend? NO Question RONNA, Bird, D’Linda Annor
C. Cake or pie? Cherry pie
D. Day of choice? There only seven
E. Essential item? Private
F. Favorite color? Aqua, or somewhere between green and blue
G. Gummy bears or worms? Worms, they slide
H. Home town? El Paso, GLOB, or Temecula? Love them all
I. Favorite indulgence? Beer
J. January or July? Both, January is cold, July -- HOT
K. Kids? 7 Boys, can you name them in order,
grandkids 3 boys & Girl on the way.
L. Life isn't complete without? Ronna and all we know and love.
M. Marriage date? 10/15/1972—going on 36
N. Number of brothers and sisters? 10, can you name them?
O. Oranges or Apples? apples
P. Phobias? Fire, being alone
R. Reasons to smile? Seeing you
S. Season of choice? All four
T. Tag 3 people: Trish, Greg, Ted
U. Unknown fact about me? Threw rocks at the Mexicans
when i was a kid in El Paso, groups on each side of the river,
sometimes 30 or more. Trish's dad was one of the
kids on the other side of the river. he's a few years older,
guys from 4 to 20,but that's what we did for fun.
V. Vegetable? okra
W. Worst habit? Drinking beer and watching sports
X. Xray or Ultrasound? Xray, should see mine
Y. Your favorite food? chili
Z. Zodiac sign? Don’t have one.