I would like you to meet these interesting people. Have you seen or heard of them?

Please check out these websites because a picture is worth a thousand words. You may have to cut and paste. Look at youtube first.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv4Sia94Cu8www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25797678/ - 59k -
This reminded me of the Bible prophecy at Isaiah 11:6-9.

Do you look forward to this prophesy being fullfilled? I can hardly wait!
ronna, that video is amazing-i always thought wild animals were wild animals no matter what...i loved that. thanks.
and yes, oh, how i do look forward to the day when the lamb and the lion shall lie down together, when there is peace on earth and our Savior is recognized for who He is. When the earth is made perfect.
Great thought for today.
thank you so much!
What a wonderful story. It just validates what I've known along about our relationships with animals. (I shouldn't have put my make-up on first-'cuz my mascarea is running down my face!) Thanks for sharing, it made me HAPPY!
This is a very touching video. Most unusal too.
it will be fun to wrestle with a bear
what in the world is krista talking about, it was a lion, not a bear.
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