This is a Ivory and violet lentil shaped glass bead. Made by Ellen Black.
Ellen Black has a web site with links to some of my favorite glass bead artists. Look her up if you want to see different artists and their beads.
This beautiful water garden bead is made by Ayako Hattori. She is my inspiration!
Ayako is a very talented up-and-coming Japanese artist who lives in Nagoya City, Japan, and is making BEAUTIFUL marbles using Japanese satake glass, a very soft glass that quickly turns to a gooey honey-like consistency with much lower heat than other glass. The detail that Ayako and her Japanese counterparts can achieve with this soft glass is nothing short of remarkable!
All these beads are lampwork beads, that means each bead is made by melting glass by a torch individually. Dion and I actually took a class and learned how to make lampwork beads, we of course are still in kindergarten, but these artists are definitely an influence to us.
those are beautiful, much more fancy and intricate than any beads on my jewelry. i like the water garden one the best.
i hope you were able to get caught up on some rest.
These beads are beautiful. I think you know I love pretty art of all kinds. I see it incorporated in many mediums. This is a new medium (artistic beads) and I love them. I am looking forward to seeing the ones that you and Dion make.
Wow! Thanks for the info, to learn more about it. I'M even more appreciative of the art & creativity.
Hey! I went to the flea market yesterday and picked up some beads some of which I would like to give you! You'll have to wait until I come back to the states because of shipping cost, but they've got your name written all over them.
I like the brocade byzantine one.
these are gorgeous!!
What gorgeous beads. I am attempting to make some beaded bracelets but I am using small inexpensive ones until I master it.
My hubby and I are going to be vacationing in California in May. We've never been there so we are going to do some sight-seeing. La Brea tarpits, walk of fame, etc. in Los Angeles, then we are cruising home. We love cruising. This will be our third one.
Have a wonderful week!
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