These Berry Beads are hand made by J.C. Herrel

This bead with it's flowers is by Kristen Frantzen Orr

And this little round bead is called Brocade Byzantine by Larry Scott

This is a Ivory and violet lentil shaped glass bead. Made by Ellen Black.
Ellen Black has a web site with links to some of my favorite glass bead artists. Look her up if you want to see different artists and their beads.
This beautiful water garden bead is made by Ayako Hattori. She is my inspiration!
Ayako is a very talented up-and-coming Japanese artist who lives in Nagoya City, Japan, and is making BEAUTIFUL marbles using Japanese satake glass, a very soft glass that quickly turns to a gooey honey-like consistency with much lower heat than other glass. The detail that Ayako and her Japanese counterparts can achieve with this soft glass is nothing short of remarkable!
All these beads are lampwork beads, that means each bead is made by melting glass by a torch individually. Dion and I actually took a class and learned how to make lampwork beads, we of course are still in kindergarten, but these artists are definitely an influence to us.