Soooo...I was busy this Saturday! Friday night I packed an ez-up cover, all my jewelry, cash box, price list, extra project to work on, tables, cloths, chairs. Saturday morning Dion and I headed to San Diego where I had rented a booth to sell my wares. We left a little late (Will I ever out grow of this bad habit?) But we still arrived at our spot in time. I went to sign us in.----But I left my lights on and the key too. When I came back to the car, it would not start! Of course I was parked in a temporary spot, just to sign in. The car had to be moved. So I tried again to start the engine. IT was a CATASTROPHE!!!! The car alarm started going off!!! It was loud, obnoxious and embarrassing! We could not get it to go off. Why? Because I did not have my clicker with me it was at home. (Don't Ask) Anyway, it finally stopped by itself. I waited a bit, and then tried again, after all the car had to move, it was in the way. WWWEEEEEEE WEEEEEEE!!!! What a horrible loud noise! My head was throbbing as I lifted the hood to see what if anything I could do. Of course I know nothing about car alarms. Some irritated, but kind men came over to help us. They tried everything, to no avail. EEEEP EEEEp EEEP!!!! Finally, they disconnected the battery and pushed my car to the side of the road. I believe at this point there was clapping and cheering for these men, from all the other booths. We were all relieved that the shreeking car had stopped blaring and was now silent. Of course, Dion and I could do nothing to start the car. My nerves were so jangled all I could do was call Dennis and ask him if one of our self sacrificing children would kindly bring my car alarm clicker to me. Maybe then I could start my car. Dion suggested that since we were there, signed in, spot assigned, he would begin setting up. But I just couldn't bring myself to do anything more. My shot nerves needed to rest, not artistically present myself and my jewelry. So I said, "ARE YOU OUT Of YOUR Mind????" In reality, I didn't say those words. I actually said something like my body is hurting all over from these jangled nerves, I cannot move or present anything in the manner I need to." So we waited in the car with our reading material for our rescuers to come. About an hour and a half later, DALE and SHEENA our Heroes!!! came with the Mighty Clicker, turned off the alarm system and the car started right up as if nothing had ever happened. There was fifteen to twenty minutes before set up time was over. Dale and Sheena offered to help set up my booth and get me settled in. But I turned down their kind offer and suggested we go eat brunch. Which we did!
We headed to Encinitas on the coast to a little Hawaian hole in the wall. It was good! We had Kalua pig and rice!! Dale and Sheena like this kind of food. Dion enjoyed it too! Of course we had a shaved ice! I was hoping they might have African Ice, but no it was Hawaian. Anyway, we walked around this beach town looking in the stores, bazaar, and then drove on down the road to a beach we all love and got our feet wet and ocean air in our lungs! It was just what I needed to calm me down. Good Kids, good food, good air, good times. So, as the saying goes: Alls well that ends well!
This is the last post specifically for family and friends, as I am going to be using this blog for DLinda Annor. Family and friends can find me at my new blogspot:

This is the last post specifically for family and friends, as I am going to be using this blog for DLinda Annor. Family and friends can find me at my new blogspot:
goodness-what a day-- that sounds very nerve racking indeed.
and the $$ you used to rent your booth? just down the drain? phooey!
yay for nice kids!
Yeah, I lost the money, but it wasn't too much. So that's good.
oh no! Thank goodness for sweet dale and Sheena. Did you go to the beach in encinitas? We just went to Moonlight beach there today. I love it.
What a crazy day. You have such a positive attitude. Hope you try again soon to show your artistic work work.
Man that stinks! Car alarms have a way of shooting my nerves even they are on for a short time. I can only imagine . . .
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